Ron Dekker
Ron Dekker is Project Director on Open Science at Technopolis Group Belgium. He leads the Open Science Team and is an experienced project leader on various EC Horizon projects. Ron has over 15 years of experience in senior management in research policy and research infrastructures – in international environments in The Netherlands, Belgium (EC) and Norway.
Currently he is project leader of EOSC Future, a 41 M€ H2020 project on realising the European Open Science Cloud. From September 2022, he participates in the Horizon Europe PATHOS project on open science impact analysis, and from November 2022 he leads an international consortium for the DG CNECT project on Edge Observatory for the Digital Decade.
Before joining Technopolis, he was Director of CESSDA ERIC (2017-2021), a distributed European Social Data Research Infrastructure with 23 member countries. Amongst others, he set up the Main Office in Bergen Norway, coordinated the 14.5 M€ EC Infrastructure Project on Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud and chaired the ERIC Forum in 2020. Ron was a member of the EOSC Executive Board preparing the European Open Science Cloud for the European Commission 2019-2020.
At the Dutch Research Council (NWO) he was in general management, responsible for ICT, Finance, Housing, and the supervision on NWO’s research institutes and the real estate at Amsterdam Science Park. Ron was the NL/BE representative in the council of the ESRF Synchrotron in Grenoble. He also set up Open Science Policy and was project leader Open Science for the Ministry for Science, including organising the 2016 EC Presidency Conference with the Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science as one of the outcomes.