Oscar Corcho
Oscar Corcho is Full Professor at the Artificial Intelligence Department at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), vice-director of its AI R&D Center (AI.nnovation Space) and part of the Digital Innovation Hub AIR4S (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Sustainability). His work is mainly focused on basic and applied research and innovation in the areas of Knowledge Graphs and Linked (Open) Data, Ontology Engineering and the application of semantics in Open Science. In these areas, he has participated, and led, a number of EU and Spanish R&D projects, together with other knowledge-transfer projects funded by international companies and public organisations.
Previously, he worked as a Marie Curie research fellow at the University of Manchester, and as a research manager at iSOCO. He also took part in LikeCube, a startup working on personalised recommendation that was acquired by TimeOut in July 2011.