Marialuisa Lavitrano
Marialuisa Lavitrano is full professor of Pathology, director of Molecular Medicine Unit and of the Executive Masters’ in Management of Research Infrastructures at Milano-Bicocca University where she was Pro-Rector for International Affairs [2006-2013]. Over the years, she contributed to the international strategies of the Ministries of Research and of Health and coordinated the Italian participation in the BioMedical Sciences ESFRI roadmap. In 2013 she was appointed BBMRI.it (Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – Italy) Node-Director. Prof. Lavitrano has a long-term experience in research, management, training and in bioethical aspects of science, with leading roles in 12 European funded projects within H2020 and Horizon programs, 9 of which related to research infrastructures