Manuel Mateo Goyet
Since 2019, Manuel Mateo Goyet is the deputy Head of the Cloud and Software unit at the European Commission, DG Connect.
Before that, he served as Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Gabriel advising her on questions of copyright, audiovisual, disinformation, high performance computing, digital skills, Wifi4EU and eHealth.
Manuel Mateo joined the Commission (DG INFSO/CONNECT) in 2006 where he held several positions, including that of Assistant to the Director General, and of deputy Head of Unit dealing with inter-institutional relations.
Prior to joining the Commission in 2006, Manuel gathered an extensive experience of industry by working in the private sector in Belgium, France and the Czech Republic. Manuel Mateo holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the Free University of Brussels, a MBA in European Management that got him travelling through Spain (Deusto), France (Audencia) and the United Kingdom (Bradford Management Centre) and a Master in Political Sciences from the Free University of Brussels.