Giorgio Rossi
Giorgio Rossi is Professor of Physics at the Università degli Studi di Milano; he leads an experimental research group on the physics of matter at low dimension, exploiting and operating instrumentation at synchrotron radiation facilities in collaboration with CNR and Elettra in Trieste, Italy. He coordinates the NFFA-Europe (Nano Foundries and Fine Analysis) European research Iinfrastructure for nanoscience since 2008. He has chaired the ESFRI Physical Sciences and Engineering Strategy Work group in 2013-2016 and served as ESFRI Chair in 2016-2018. Giorgio has chaired in 2019 the High-Level Expert Group on Long Term Sustainability of Research Infrastructure. He has coordinated the expert group who wrote the Italian National Plan for Open Science that become effective in 2022. He represents Italy in the EOSC Steering Board and contributes as co-chair to the Policy sub-group. He is author or co-author of over 240 research papers in ISI journals.