Diego Scardaci
With his team, Diego works with technology providers and research & innovation projects for technology scouting, innovation of existing EGI services and the piloting of new services and solutions following user and service provider requirements. He is responsible for the definition and implementation of the EGI Technical Annual Plan. He has been involved in EOSC activities since its conception. He co-chaired the EOSC-hub activity management board. He is currently co-leading the Technical Interoperability of Data and Services EOSC Association Task Force and the EOSC Future technical pillar, co-chairing the project technical coordination board. He will be the coordinator of the EOSC Beyond project, expected to start in 2024, that has been funded by EC to develop the next generation of EOSC Core services. Before joining EGI, Diego worked with INFN and in the R&D center of the Telecom Italia group. Diego holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Catania.