Dale Robertson
Dale Robertson joined EGI Foundation in April 2022 as EOSC Liaison Manager. She participates in the EOSC Future and EOSC Focus projects, and co-chairs the EOSC Association Financial Sustainability Task Force.
Previously, Dale worked for Jisc in the UK where she participated in Horizon 2020 projects to define and implement EOSC, leading work relating to policy and sustainability. Between 2002 and 2017 she worked for GÉANT, firstly as Marketing Communications Manager and later as Head of European Affairs.
Dale’s background is in European policy, public affairs and communication in the research and technology sectors. She has an MA in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, a postgraduate diploma in International Studies from the Johns Hopkins University (SAIS) Bologna Center and a Public Affairs Diploma from the UK Chartered Institute of Public Relations.
LinkedIn Profile: https://linkedin.com/in/dale-robertson-uk
Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/robertsonrdale / @robertsonrdale
Skype: robertson.dale