Clement Jonquet
Dr. Clement Jonquet, PhD in Informatics, is senior researcher at INRAE in the MISTEA research unit and associate researcher at University of Montpellier in the LIRMM laboratory. He is a former postdoc (3 years) & visiting scholar (3 years) from Stanford BMIR. He has 16 years of experience in ontologies and semantic Web research applied to biomedicine and agronomy. He works on the design and development of ontology repositories, ontology-based services and FAIR semantic artefacts as the PI or Co-PI of several past or ongoing projects such as ANR D2KAB (www.d2kab.org) or HEU FAIR-IMPACT (www.fair-impact.eu) or the OntoPortal Alliance (https://ontoportal.org). Since 2015, he leads the AgroPortal initiative to build a reference vocabulary and ontology repository for agronomy, food and plant sciences. Dr. Jonquet is the (co)author of 130 publications or communications cumulating more than 3890 citations, including 28 international journals in multiple domains.