Arofan Gregory
Arofan Gregory (he / him) is a consultant with a background in technology, especially focusing on metadata standards for statistics and research data. He has contributed to the development of the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) standards, the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) standards, the Generic Statistical Information Model (GSIM), the DataCube Vocabulary (QB), and has implemented and helped develop many other standards and specifications in this domain. His technical knowledge covers XML and related technologies, UML modelling, SQL and RDF, as well as a range of programming languages. Currently, he is the Chair of the DDI Cross Domain Integration Working Group, and is involved with CODATA’s Decadal Programme and the INSPIRE projects in Africa. He is also an active member of the DDI Training Working Group, and is an organizer of the IUSSP-CODATA FAIR Vocabularies Working Group.