Alexandra Kokkinaki
Dr Alexandra Kokkinaki [F] is a senior semantic web scientist in the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), NOC. She is the product owner of the NERC Vocabulary Server (NVS) and all accompanying tools. She participated in ODIPI and ODIPII and collaborated with external partners to deliver the innovative Rosetta Stone translation service that provides dynamic vocabulary translations. She also worked with the SWE Marine Profiles group to deliver the Common SensorML profiles and a list of vocabularies specialized to sensorML. She was also the lead developer of BODC’s OGC sensor infrastructure which delivers standardised sensor data and metadata. She has worked in Oceanids UK project, which provides a unified and consistent infrastructure to control the NERC fleet of unmanned long range vehicles and has the technical lead in the SeaDataCloud project in regards to the vocabulary developments. She has recently co-authored a white paper (democratisation and integrity of sensor data), accepted for inclusion in the Oceanobs’19 conference. She was one of the authors of the IMFe for Digital Twins and is part of the pilot IMFe project. She is currently working in EU projects ENVRI-FAIR, FAIR-EASE, Blue-Cloud all of which focus on FAIR data and harmonization across domains.