Alexander Prent
Alexander Prent is a geochemistry data management consultant representing AuScope, Australia’s geoscience research infrastructure provider in leading the geochemistry work package of the EU-funded WorldFAIR project ran by CODATA, the Committee on Data of the International Science Council. Alexander is a big proponent of FAIR data and works with the OneGeochemistry initiative towards making geochemical data FAIR, promulgating and promoting best practices and use of standards in geochemistry (www.onegeochemistry.org and https://doi.org/10.31223/X5595Z). Up to the end of 2022 Alexander coordinated the AuScope Geochemistry Network in setting up a consortium of Australian academic laboratories across the continent growing from 3 to 11 partner nodes in 3 years. Alexander holds a geology doctorate and is interested in geochemistry, geochronology and geological microstructures.